“We should bring JULIA ROBERTS in to speak!”
Julia Roberts — the “Write Without the Fight” Speaker — is usually the only one at a writers’ conference, talking about the psychological struggle with writing. And she brings significant scientific research, insight and humor to her topic.
Julia reaches out regularly to anguished writers from live stages, teleseminars and webinars, has been a guest of a dozen tv talk and news shows, and hundreds of radio shows. She has three published books, and earned her MS in Creative Studies from Buffalo State College. Julia is a fun and informative speaker who can help your writers overcome their creative resistance… and just write.
PRIMARY SPEAKING TOPICS——————————————————-
Most writers think their fight with procrastination is a character flaw. Julia Roberts shows us it is our unique thinking style fighting the phase of creativity we happen to be in. More than that, she offers tools — bona fide, researched, scientifically-sound tools — to help us jog our brains out of that rut, and move forward with clarity and inspiration.
Each writer has their own unique relationship to the creative process, so we each have our own experiences with “block,” “resistance,” procrastination, excuse-making. Julia helps put that in creative context and empower attendees to go home and just write.
Throughout our lives, boys and girls, men and women sport different hormone loads, different neurological makeup and therefore think differently when creating. Julia Roberts, author of bestselling Sex, Lies & Creativity – Gender Differences in Creative Thinking has stories of female creators in their own words, woven into the science that differentiates men and women.
These insights and observations are inspiring to women who wonder why they’re starting so late, or why they can’t get it together with small children at home, or why they lost confidence in their voice during puberty. (It has less to do with media shaming than we like to think!)
WHAT PEOPLE SAY——————————————————————-
Samara Rose
Humor Writing
<h4>"Julia Roberts KILLED IT this morning!"</h4>
Susan Miller
humor writer
<h4>“I cannot tell you how happy I am that I dragged The 12-Year-Old to Julia Roberts’s Write Without the Fight: Free Your Writing from Doubt and Delay seminar. I’m going to get the audio recording and make her memorize it, then hire Julia to coach her through high school. (I’ll also be totally kicking tail when I get back to work because I know my blocks and how to work with them!)"</h4>
“Julia was amazing. Personal, prepared, and I learned new things about my blocks.”
“I loved loved loved this session. Holy wow…it is helping me break through so many barriers to writing, and I’ve been more productive (in more ways than just writing) since the workshop than I have in months! Her presentation was engaging and fun. This was a great, great session.”
“My friend had attended the Friday session and told me I wouldn’t regret it. I should go on Saturday! She wasn’t wrong. It was amazing.”
(from the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop participants, 2018)