I’m Julia Roberts…
A lifelong writer, jokester, creativity expert, and a relentless optimist – dedicated to helping writers decode their creative process so they can write with more ease and satisfaction.
Out of the trenches to be by your side
Maybe you can relate to my story. I’ve been called “creative” all my life. And I knew it was true, but I never knew precisely how it was true.
I’ve spent over 3,000 hours in corporate conference rooms, eating M&Ms and pizza, and brainstorming ideas for clients. It seemed like my best creative asset was just spewing ideas – from my clear blue mind – great ideas, crazy ideas, original and laughable ones. But, was this really all my creativity was good for? I liked my clients – Nickelodeon, Warner Bros., HBO, Burger King, Kraft Food, Motown – but I knew I wanted to write my own stuff.
That’s when the hard part started. (Can you relate?) Writing and marketing my work was way harder than telling American Express what to do.
When you try to write your Own Thing… you don’t know what you don’t know. It can be so hard, you give up. But I didn’t give up.
I started writing and publishing. (You can see my books, here.) And it was just what I always wanted, or so I thought. However, this was no J.K. Rowling story. I mean, I wrote my first book, found an agent, got an advance and got published, but my books didn’t flow out of me like magic, and they didn’t climb the bestseller charts and become blockbuster movies. But I made steady progress…
My first book – Motherhood to Otherhood started my first business of helping mothers find their otherhood. And it helped me feel an expertise – motherhood & ambition – that gave me permission to write a book, and the audacity to find an agent and publisher.
My second book – RV There Yet? A Cross Country Cautionary Tale got me on a Maine to Florida media tour with four paying sponsors (and three kids, camping in an RV)
My third book – Sex, Lies & Creativity – Gender Differences in Creative Thinking– is a real eye-opener for women of “a certain age” who want to be writing. It was an Amazon Bestseller at debut, and continues to sell well.
My most recent book – Write Without the Fight, Master Your Creative Process and Write with Ease and Satisfaction recently debuted at #1 on several Amazon lists. And it’s out now in paperback. I’m very happy with this book, bec it gives writers the help and expertise about the creative process that I’ve been developing for years, now.
I speak for the stymied, the frustrated, the WRITER
I speak. I recently completed a TEDx talk, “It’s Not Just Mojo. The Surprising Science Behind Creativity” and can’t wait for that to come up on the TED site. I speak at writers’ conferences, writing associations, virtually and in person. (To book me as a speaker, or see more about my topics, clients and testimonials, go here.)
Press, interviews and podcasts
And over the years, I’ve gotten pretty good press…
BUT, EVERYTHING WAS HARD. I began a long, and I mean l-o-o-o-o-n-g road to find out what I needed to know about myself, and about my creativity, to write what I envisioned and get it out into the world. I took three giant steps to figure out what I needed to know.
I calmed the negative voices in my head – and trained as a life coach with Martha Beck.
I found my purpose – I knew I had to figure out this thing called Creativity – and I trained as a creativity coach with Eric Maisel.
I got my Masters in the Science of Creativity. Finally, cumulatively, everything became clearer.
This much I know. How creativity works is known and knowable. Getting yours to work more smoothly is my goal.
After 6 YEARS of study and struggle, I finally had the information, tools and assessments I needed to decode my creativity. And once I cracked the code – I was in go-mode. I’m writing. I’ve developed Write Without the Fight – my killer speaking topic, webinar and coaching program. (To book me to speak, go here.) And I’ve helped hundreds of writers crack their creative code and get writing.
People always ask me what it’s like to be Julia Roberts
Nowadays, it’s pretty sweet. I get to hang out with writers and help them face their demons and write their stuff. I’m pretty proud and amazed I get to do that, because…
Writers are cool theorists and mind-changers. You are smart and curious by nature. You are often funny and fluid thinkers. You are weird, creative, rebellious, thick-skinned, and honest. And you’re empathetic – you can’t write without empathy for your reader. You are my people. You have my attention and my heart.
What’s not to like about my life? There are days when I go to IKEA to work on my novel, and days when I meet with clients and help them crack their creative code, and days when I get to read through evaluations from a recent speech I gave. And days when I get to help serious writers get their thoughts out of their heads and into the world.
It is good to be Julia Roberts.
Your Voices Encourage Mine
The pain I hear in people’s voices when they are stuck and suffering, used to trigger my own pain and shame. It is a beautiful thing to be able to listen, validate and relieve my clients from the painful stories they’ve concocted and are living in. And once there is relief, there is excitement and motion and achievement. They write their stuff.
The world is waiting for your voice – your perspective – your story. We need you.
Don’t keep your powers hidden. Especially, not hidden from yourself. It is a painful, powerless reality that you don’t have to struggle in. Let me help you see your super powers and give you a cape to surmount your super struggles.