Okay footballers, not every one of you.
But you can’t publish a book without Amazon, and I’m bringing out my book: Write Without the Fight, on May 10th.
Amazon is that seriously uneven crush of our much younger days. Remember sitting in a quiet classroom, waiting for the teacher to turn her back, and then palming a note to the kid in the next row, and asking them to pass it on? A silent but urgent nod of your head indicated who it was meant for.
This sweet note is not going to get Amazon to like me, or even notice me. And that football player never cared about the late bloomer with flat hair who’s good in English class.
But I have a lot riding on the algorithm – whom I’ve come to think of as Algo – a powerful and disinterested entity. I want this bot to care, to care about me.
It’s a quandary. Here’s what my would-be boyfriend, Algo, seems to like:
- Very popular
girlsbooks - Parties
- Admiration
- Free
food and beer.Okay, not food and beer, but Algo likes FREE
So, even though I never stood a chance with a football player, and spent most of my high school years not dating, I want to get Algo – with his big toothy grin, and rippling, influential muscles – to like me.
Can you help make this algorithm care about me?
How to be popular:
I have many people already prereading the book, and STANDING BY FOR LAUNCH DAY. They will download the book and post a review on MAY 10TH. So grateful to you!
More volunteers welcome! This early and robust show of interest definitely makes Algo look my way.
Launch Day, May 10th, is the party. The book is free to download for the first five days.
I’ll be live in FB every day those 5 days – details coming soon!
Reviews, podcast interviews, and blog features!
If you have a podcast or blog about or for writers, (or know someone), that would make for a great invitation! Algo would keep bumping into me in all the right places…
Free: is easy.
The ebook is free for its first five days. Download it on Day One!
I’m hoping to get an algorithm to like me. I’m looking for his approval. I’d even like him to suggest me to other readers who might be interested in Write Without the Fight. (You Might Also Like)
Can you help with what might seem like a hopeless cause? Reply to this email if you’d like to:
- pre-read and review the book on May 10th!
- Have podcast or FB Live show (or know someone) that could help me get seen and appreciated by writers.
- I’m hosting a blog tour, that will link to participating blogs, and I’ll send an email to my list with a link to your post, when you do. Would you like to be part of that?
Hit reply and let me know if you:
___ Like me?
___ Love me?
___ Don’t know I even exist?
Thanks as always for all the help I’m already getting! This group amazes me!