Creative Thinking

Writing Makes Its Own Time

Writing Makes its Own Time Writing takes up time - obvi - but it also makes time. How, you might wonder? When I lived in Glen Ridge, NJ, I used to participa... Read More...

Boss Brain/Baby Brain

Have you ever noticed you seem to have two brains and two voices (at least) in your brain? Your Boss brain is telling you what to do, sometimes in a lovi... Read More...


Action can be so dull compared to hope. Don't you agree? When we choose to live with a positive frame of mind, we can slide into avoidance. We prefer to hope... Read More...

Rewriting? Pass…

I'm in rewrite mode. And for those of you who know me, you likely know, editing is not necessarily my thing. Details, complexity, clarifying... you know what I... Read More...

Finishing Energy

Do you finish things? Do you wish you finished things? I've done a second draft on 7 out of 12 chapters on my current WIP. I've had my nose to the grindstone... Read More...

Happy Platty Joobs

Happy Platinum Jubilee! Detouring a little from my normal... This weekend is a 4-day bank holiday in England to celebrate her Majesty's 70th year since becomin... Read More...

Procrastination Required

Procrastination Required When you’re lying on the couch, procrastinating, what are you thinking?... Is it anything like…? Whoa! WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! or Wha... Read More...