Sorry, not sorry.

A little game called Wordle is causing problems in our family. For one thing, I’m good at it. For another, I’m not a modest person. And for good measure, I’m a mom. People don’t like being beaten by their moms.

You have 6 tries to guess the Wordle of the day – a 5 letter word. Each guess must itself be a legit 5 letter word. You can find it at .  This is literally the biggest thing since Baby Shark.

Some people start with the same word every day – F-A-R-T-S, for example. Or A-D-I-E-U if you’re classier. Farts would help you figure out what consonants you’re working with. Adieu would identify your vowels quickly. Others like to start each day with a completely new word. Change it up.

This divide alone is the same as the age-old planner vs. pantser divide among writers. Do you prefer a plan? Or do you prefer to play by the seat of your pants?

Wordle 212 3/6


Have you tried it? That graph above, intended for sharing on social media, shows that I got it in 3 tries.

  • In the first five letter word, I learned that my middle letter was a) yes, in the word, and b) also in the right place. That’s the green box.
  • The yellow boxes let me know that my letters are in the word, but were still in the wrong place.
  • The last row shows all green boxes, indicating that I guessed the right word in 3 out of 6 tries.

So, I had 4 letters identified by my second word (and yes, that’s satisfying) so I could go straight to guessing the correct word on my third try. You get six words to get it right.

After each Wordle game, you must wait until the next day to play again.

I’m obsessed enough, that I must write about it to pass the hours.

Can we ever go back to life before the pandemic, before Wordle? Let’s talk about Wordle this week in the Write Without the Fight FB group. Everyone else is, so, why not us. (Ask to join, if you haven’t already.)